Spatial Reserves data blog

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  • #919

    Joseph Kerski

    Greetings Everyone:

    After writing the book “The GIS Guide to Public Domain Data”, my co-author and mine decided that the issues of data quality, data sources, portals, standards, crowdsourcing, fee vs free, SaaS, privacy, and related issues were becoming increasingly relevant in our everyday lives and in our GIS work. Thus we, for the past 3 years, have contributed weekly to a data related blog entitled Spatial Reserves: I hope this is useful.

    –Joseph Kerski


    Joseph Kerski

    Greetings Everyone:

    After writing the book “The GIS Guide to Public Domain Data”, co-author Jill Clark and I decided that the issues of data quality, data sources, portals, standards, crowdsourcing, fee vs free, SaaS, privacy, and related issues were becoming increasingly relevant in our everyday lives and in our GIS work. Thus we, for the past 3 years, have contributed weekly to a data related blog entitled Spatial Reserves: I hope this is useful.

    –Joseph Kerski

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